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HOMER Powering Health Tool
The HOMER Powering Health Tool is a free online model to create initial designs of electric power systems for health care facilities that have no other power supply or have grid electricity available for a predictable period of hours each day. The tool is intended for project managers, engineers and financiers in the energy industry to simplify the design process for such systems. The tool models optimal combinations of power supply options to meet electrical loads of a health facility at least cost based on the given inputs. It compares combinations of grid electricity (if available), batteries (lithium-ion or lead-acid), solar photovoltaics (PV), and generator sets fueled by diesel, gasoline or propane. The model runs entirely online and can be used an unlimited number of times with no need to sign in or download software.
IFC Energy and Water Advisory
Provides advisory services to companies in three main areas: power (typically new and clean technologies like solar, wind, hydro, biomass, and geothermal resources), resource efficiency, and increasing access to modern energy services. For power, greater emphasis on off-grid and mini-grid.
IFC-Canada Renewable Energy Program for Africa in support of the African Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI)
AREI is an African-led continental platform to accelerate access to clean, affordable and gender-sensitive renewable energy systems. Canada is providing a $150 million repayable contribution (returnable capital model) to IFC to invest in eligible renewable energy projects that support AREI objectives over a 25-year period. Canadian funds are expected to leverage an additional USD 350 million in public and private sector investments, thus “unlocking” private capital that would normally not be available to these projects.
IFC Blended Climate Finance
International Company Profile
Provides U.S. companies and economic development organizations with a comprehensive background report on a specific foreign company, including: general business information, background and product information, key officials, references contacted by ITA, financial data/creditworthiness information, reputational information, a site visit and interviews with principals; information sources consulted in preparing the report; and analysis of information collected.
International Partner Search
Provides U.S. companies with a list of up to five partners/distributors that have expressed an interest in the client’s goods/services. The service includes identification and outreach to potential matching firms, sending client’s information to identified matching firms, preparing a profile of interested firms, and providing a report with the profile and contact information for interested firms. May also include virtual introductions via conference calls with up to five of the contacts identified.