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Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD) Green Energy Fund
To provide finance to renewable energy and energy efficiency projects of smaller scale and manufacturing of green products in South Africa.
- A maximum of 200% increase in production capacity is allowed for expansion projects; and
- Greenfield operations are considered on a case by case basis.
AFD funds are blended at a leverage level of at most 50% funding from IDC; and no refinancing
Africa Clean Energy (ACE) Programme Competitive Business Facility
The program will catalyze a market-based approach for private sector delivery of solar home system (SHS) products and services, leading to improved energy access for people in sub-Saharan Africa. The program will work in 14 priority countries: Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leonne and Senegal. The program will support technical assistance to improve the enabling environment, and finance for businesses seeking to enter new and emerging SHS markets in sub-Saharan Africa for their start up and early commercialization of ideas.
Technical Assistance to improve country enabling environments to facilitate markets in household solar.
The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund. (AECF)
Provides grants and interest free loans to entrepreneurs, start-ups and businesses who wish to implement innovative, commercially viable, high impact projects in Africa. The AECF supports businesses working in agriculture, financial services, renewable energy.
The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund. (AECF) - Renewable Energy and Adaptation to Climate Technologies (REACT) window
To stimulate private sector investment in developing low cost, clean energy and climate change technologies and services, such as solar power, biomass energy, irrigation and crop insurance products for small holder farmers. Every business supported by REACT must demonstrate a positive impact on the rural poor through increased incomes, employment and productivity or by reducing costs.
Clean Technology Fund (CTF)
CTF: Highly concessional resources to scale up the demonstration, deployment, and transfer of low carbon technologies in renewable energy, energy efficiency during the project development stage.