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EKN Export Credit, Long and Short Term Loans
Swedish export credit to buyers of Swedish capital goods and services. Commercial loans to buyers of Swedish capital goods and services. Discounting of trade receivables, often guaranteed by EKN to reduce credit risk.
EKN Guarantee
Guarantees to the international lenders who finance the purchase of Swedish goods/services and cover for risk of non-payment due to commercial and political events and is open to foreign buyers and exporters.
ElectriFI was created as a financing scheme to bridge the gaps in structuring and financing, thus stimulating the private sector, and mobilizing financiers in the sector of energy development cooperation. It is a fund for renewable energy investments and energy efficiency with a focus on rural electrification. ElectriFI contribution per project is between EUR 0.5M and EUR 10.0 million (or equivalent local currency). Support can be made available in the forms, including, debt, quasi-equity and equity. ElectriFI provides financial support primarily through risk capital. It does not provide grant funding, concessional loans or other low-cost capital.
The Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund
EAIF provides long-term debt finance on commercial terms to finance the construction and development of private infrastructure.
Energizing Development (EnDev)
Sustainable access to modern energy services that meet the needs of the poor. EnDev includes a Results-Based Financing mechanism providing incentive-based payments to stimulate off-grid energy access markets. This can include household solar. EnDev promotes sustainable access to modern energy services for households, social institutions and small to medium-sized enterprises in developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Supported Projects:
- can prove successful strategies (performance),
- meet criteria determined by a needs assessment, and;
- match focal areas defined by financiers.
Energizing Development
Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5
65760 Eschborn, Germany