The Uburezi Iwacu (“Homes and Communities”) activity works to provide all Rwandan children with literacy-supportive, stimulating and safe home and community environments.

The activity contributes to improved literacy outcomes for all children by the end of Primary 3 by improving home literacy environments, increasing community engagement in promoting children’s literacy, and improving literacy learning opportunities for children with disabilities. Uburezi Iwacu focuses on mother tongue literacy (Kinyarwanda) as an essential building block to developing reading and writing skills in any language.

The activity also addresses social and emotional development, given its importance to forming the foundation of a child’s future learning and holistic positive development. Uburezi Iwacu collaborates with the Government of Rwanda to develop the human and institutional capacity necessary to sustain improved learning outcomes. The activity fosters self-reliance, ownership, and sustainability by focusing on community-based solutions.