Safeguarding Implementation Considerations

Organization/Internal Controls

  • Is there a strong system of internal controls, including:

    • Creation and publication of a code of conduct, and

    • Strategies for (1) awareness of stakeholders; (2) sub-awardee compliance; and (3) how exploitation and abuse are prevented, detected, addressed, and resolved.

  • Are the prohibited activities and related policies clearly communicated and enforceable? Are staff required to sign a code of conduct or similar policy?

  • How are safeguarding considerations integrated into programming, compliance, organizational values, and human-resources processes? 

  • Have there been efforts to build staff capacity if the organization is new, or working with new or small partners?

Risk Assessment

  • How is the project risk assessment specific and relevant to the country, region, and program?

  • How do the various factors, including the following, contribute to safeguarding-related risks?

    • Conflict and disaster response,

    • Gender inequality and vulnerable populations,

    • Power imbalances and perceptions of authority,

    • Age and stage of development of program participants,

    • Personnel deployment and remote locations,

    • Type and method of service provision,

      • For example: does it involve individual interactions? 

    • Sub-awardees capacity, 

  • How have the risk assessment findings been addressed in the program design and plans for implementation and monitoring?

Empowerment & Feedback

  • What mechanisms are in place to provide information in accessible and age-appropriate formats about safeguarding-related resources, including reporting mechanisms, to participants and receive feedback?  Are these two-way conversations?

  • How are these mechanisms made safe, confidential, and accessible?

  • How are program participants empowered to report?

    • For example: are they aware of the behavior aid workers are prohibited from?

  • How is community feedback incorporated into the implementing of safeguarding measures?

Plan & Prevent

  • How and how often are staff, volunteers, and participants sensitized or trained?

  • Is there a focal point in the country/regional office for safeguarding?

  • What procedures on recruitment, screening, training, deployment, management, and performance exist to safeguard program participants and staff?

  • How are protections tailored to the risk environment?

  • Have protection/response services been mapped and are there referral procedures?


  • How are safeguarding violations reported and referred internally and externally?

  • What are the mandatory reporting requirements and are there multiple channels for reporting?

  • Are the reporting mechanisms tailored and accessible:

    • For example: child friendly mechanisms, mechanisms accessible for persons with disabilities, comprehensive anonymous staff surveys, app-based reporting systems.

  • What routine efforts are taken to monitor for safeguarding violations in the field?

Address & Resolve

  • How will the partner respond to critical safeguarding issues? 

  • How has the survivor been placed at the center of the process? What resources are available to them? If the survivor is a child, are additional safeguarding measures needed?

  • What are the reporting, investigation, and adjudicative procedures, and how are they made safe, confidential, comprehensive, protective, compassionate, and fair? 

  • How is senior management involved?

  • Are these procedures unbiased and performed by qualified individuals?

  • Is the response to safeguarding violations timely and consistent?

  • What are the mechanisms for due process & appropriate accountability?

  • Is there a clear policy prohibiting retaliation?

  • How does the organization ensure employment & accountability procedures are transparent?

  • How are the statuses of cases tracked?

This resource provides a one-page primer of suggested implementation ideas and is not exhaustive. Please consult with additional toolkit resources provided here.