Four people toss dry food on plates in a field.

In Rwanda, cooperative members sort iron-rich beans introduced by Feed the Future.
Herve Irankunda, CNFA for USAID

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

As the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative, Feed the Future works hand-in-hand with partner countries to develop their agriculture sectors and break the vicious cycle of poverty and hunger. We invest in people and systems at all levels to strengthen resilience and propel transformative change.

To sustainably increase smallholder farmer income, improve nutrition and strengthen climate resilience, Feed the Future introduced high-iron beans in Rwanda. Since 2017, Feed the Future has worked with agro-dealers, farmers, seed multipliers and government stakeholders to increase the production and consumption of iron-rich beans across the country. 

These nutritious beans are also virus resistant and heat and drought tolerant, which means less spoilage and waste. Reducing food loss waste, particularly food loss in low- and middle-income countries, improves food safety, availability, affordability and nutritional value, with a positive cascading effect on health outcomes, poverty reduction, food security and climate change mitigation.

Sustainable Development Goals