USAID works with the South African Government and citizens to strengthen their level of interaction in targeted communities and sectors. In doing so, USAID emphasizes complementary efforts in institutional capacity development, civic engagement, transparency and accountability, and social cohesion. Specifically, the portfolio includes financial support for a program that targets municipalities in two provinces to increase transparency and accountability around public financial management. Assistance is provided to civil society organizations and local government to strengthen engagement and participation in political processes as well as build social cohesion in areas facing increased xenophobic violence and other forms of conflict.

Given the high rates of gender-based violence in South Africa, USAID focuses on improving service delivery and support to survivors. The Democracy Rights and Governance (DRG) portfolio includes programs that facilitate coordination and collaboration between the South African government, communities, the private sector, and civil society organizations to ensure comprehensive support for Gender Based Violence (GBV) survivors from clinical services to access to justice.

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