USAID began providing assistance to Uzbekistan in 1993, soon after the country became independent. Since the beginning, USAID programs have partnered with the people and Government of Uzbekistan to build a more stable, prosperous and healthy nation. During the early years, USAID helped the Government of Uzbekistan restructure the rural primary health care system and make immunizations more effective; improve water management; and increase the quality of basic education. USAID assisted with the creation of credit unions and microfinance organizations that expanded access to finance for small- and medium-sized businesses.
Currently, assistance focuses on increasing private sector competitiveness through trade and targeted agricultural assistance, preventing the spread of infectious disease, building more responsive governance, and improving learning outcomes through support for the country’s education system.
Our assistance also includes support for the development of civil society, including organizations that champion women’s issues, protection for survivors of human trafficking and help for communities to access justice. USAID assists the National Tuberculosis Program to eradicate tuberculosis in Uzbekistan.