
Vietnamese small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are facing disruptions in global supply chains due to the COVID-19 pandemic while struggling to find innovative mechanisms to reach new customers. From September 15-17, the USAID Linkages for Small and Medium Enterprises (USAID LinkSME) project supported 11 SMEs in virtually joining the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo. The expo is Vietnam’s leading machinery and technology exhibition for manufacturing and supporting industries, attracting several thousand participants from more than two dozen countries. Through the activity’s support, the SMEs participated in virtual matchmaking sessions with various potential supply chain customers. They also received training through special sessions with the expo organizer on how to optimize opportunities from business-to-business matching events. USAID LinkSME will be collaborating closely with the SMEs to gather data on linkages stemming from the expo over the coming months.

Supporting SMEs to join networking events expands their opportunities to participate in national and international supply chains, leading to a more diverse, globally integrated, and resilient economy. 

Gian triển lãm của dự án USAID LinkSME tại sự kiện trực tuyến.