For Immediate Release

Press Release

June 24, 2024 – The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is excited to announce the launch of the Empower West Africa (EWA) Activity, a new $73 million contract under the Power Africa initiative. EWA is set to build on the achievements of the West Africa Energy Program (WAEP), which commenced in July 2019 and concludes in July 2024. A U.S. government-led partnership, Power Africa harnesses the collective resources of public and private sectors to double access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa. The new EWA program will continue this mission by increasing the availability of affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern electricity services in West Africa.

By 2029, EWA aims to achieve several key goals: establishing six million new grid and off-grid direct connections; reaching financial close for 2,500 megawatts of new energy generation capacity; constructing 1,500 kilometers of new transmission lines; selling 40,000 productive-use off-grid devices or systems; and reducing, sequestering, or avoiding 14.4 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions through clean energy initiatives.

EWA will engage with a diverse range of stakeholders within the energy sector, including government ministries, utilities, regulatory bodies, private sector energy enterprises, investors, multilateral organizations, academic institutions, and civil society organizations. This comprehensive approach aims to eradicate energy poverty, accelerate a carbon-neutral future, and stimulate private sector investment and innovation.

EWA will significantly contribute to Power Africa’s overarching goals of achieving 30,000 megawatts at financial close and 60 million connections by 2030. By working towards these ambitious targets, EWA aims to bring transformative change to the energy landscape of West Africa, fostering sustainable development and economic growth.

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