Exchange Visitor Visa Compliance

USAID Exchange Visitor (EV) programs strengthen partner capacity, support development objectives, and further U.S. national security and foreign policy goals.


A major part of USAID’s story are the thousands of foreign nationals who have participated in USAID Exchange Visitor (EV) programs throughout the years. USAID sponsors foreign nationals for Exchange Visitor (EV) programs based in the United States that strengthen partner capacity, support development objectives, and further U.S. national security and foreign policy goals.

The Exchange Visitor Visa Compliance program enables USAID to comply with statutory and regulatory requirements associated with sponsoring foreign nationals who enter the United States. Managed by the Responsible Officer (RO) and Alternate ROs (AROs) in USAID’s Bureau for Management, Office of Management Policy, Budget, and Performance (M/MPBP), the program aims to facilitate a streamlined and centralized workflow for processing requests for DS-2019 Forms (Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status) required to apply for a J-1 exchange visitor visa.

EV programs strengthen the capacity of foreign nationals to address development challenges in their respective countries. EV programs also support U.S. national security and foreign policy goals by fostering mutual understanding between foreign nationals and the American people. While in the United States, visitors gain valuable training, build relationships, and develop an understanding of American culture and society. Alumni of USAID’s EV programs often later serve as partners of the United States across all fields including development, diplomacy, education, and business.

Read more about the range of programs that USAID supported in 2023.

USAID Exchange Visitor Visa Compliance Workflow


The Exchange Visitor Visa Compliance program ensures Agency compliance with the Department of Homeland Security and Department of State regulations contained in 22 CFR 62. Under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, the U.S. Government is authorized to conduct educational and cultural exchanges. USAID is designated by the Department of State as an official exchange visitor sponsor.

The Exchange Visitor (J) non-immigrant visa category is for individuals approved to participate in work- and study-based exchange visitor programs. All USAID-sponsored EVs enter the U.S. on the J-1 exchange visitor nonimmigrant visa, unless determined otherwise by a U.S. consular officer. Read more about the J-1 Exchange Visitor visa from the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

USAID-sponsored J-1 visa applicants and their dependents are not required to pay application processing fees.


    March 2024: The EVVC team is pleased to announce a partial revision of ADS Chapter 252, Visa Compliance for Exchange Visitors and corresponding help documents, ADS 252saa (Visa Compliance FAQs),  ADS 252sab (Checklist for TEAMS R1 Initiator and R2 Award Verifier), and ADS 252sac (Checklist for TEAMS R2 Country Verifier and R3 Approver).

    This revision updates guidance for Role 3 (R3) Approvers by removing the requirement that R3 Approvers must be USAID direct hire (USDH) personnel. By expanding the eligibility criteria for R3s to all U.S. citizen Mission staff, including U.S. Personal Services Contractors (USPSCs), this update removes unnecessary burden on USDH Mission staff to fulfill the role and facilitates quicker DS-2019 request processing time.  

    January 2024: The Exchange Visitor Visa Compliance team issued updates to the Conditions of Sponsorship for Exchange Visitor Activities Form (AID 252-1). Exchange Visitors (EVs) sponsored for U.S.-based programs must sign the Conditions of Sponsorship form to affirm their understanding of and adherence to Agency policy in ADS 252 and Federal regulations regarding their visa sponsorship by USAID. These updates aim to streamline the form, reduce burden, and increase efficiency. Major changes include:

    • Removed form fields requesting personally-identifiable information (PII) and exchange program information captured elsewhere

    • Eliminated page 3 Security Risk and Fraud Inquiry (SRFI) that is no longer required per ADS 252

    • Converted to fillable PDF document file and added e-signature capability

    • Adjusted language to conform with updated Federal regulations

    • Added up-to-date contact information (

    USAID staff should ensure that implementing partners use the updated form listed on the USAID Forms Library for all new exchange visitors processed on the TEAMS system. Please contact if you have any questions.

    April 2023: The U.S. Department of State will now allow electronic signatures for all DS-2019 Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1) Status Forms, the document a USAID Exchange Visitor takes to the Embassy to request a J visa to enter the US. Previously, USAID’s Responsible Officer (RO) or Alternate ROs in Washington were required to physically sign and ship the forms to Missions worldwide. This change to allow electronic signatures is a major win for the Agency, the federal government, and efforts to combat climate change. We estimate saving 20,000+ hours in processing time for USAID Washington and Mission staff, $20,000 per year in printing and shipping costs, and 426 pounds of CO2 emissions per year.

    December 2022: The USAID RO/ARO team is pleased to announce a new revision of ADS Chapter 252, Visa Compliance for Exchange Visitors, which removed the requirement for Missions to conduct a Security Risk and Fraud Inquiry (SRFI) for each USAID-sponsored EV and dependent; removed the biodata form as a required document; removed the requirement for Mission Directors to approve dependents who intend to travel to the US on a J-2 visa; and removed the requirement to track non-EVs in TEAMS (e.g. individuals on A1/A2 visas, individuals who received Mission exemption from the J-1 visa requirement, etc.). The revision also reorganized ADS 252 chapter to clarify processes; expanded the grace period for EV validations to 30 days instead of 3 days; updated procedures for EV employment, travel authorization, and taxpayer identification; and updated procedures for transferring USAID J-1 visa sponsorship to other sponsors.


    • Interagency Working Group (IAWG) on U.S. Government-Sponsored International Exchanges and Training: USAID is a member of IAWG, created in 1998, which makes recommendations to the President for improving the coordination, efficiency, and effectiveness of United States Government-sponsored international exchanges and training. The IAWG Annual Reports present the data, findings and analysis on information submitted by reporting federal departments and independent agencies on their respective international exchange and training activities in response to the IAWG annual data call.


    All stakeholders involved in sponsoring U.S.-based EVs should familiarize themselves with the applicable USAID policies, procedures, and resources:



    Missions and IPs use the Training and Exchanges Automated Management System (TEAMS), a web-based data system, to collect and produce information and reports on USAID’s EV programs. 


    • USAID Exchange Visitor Visa Compliance questions, RO/ARO questions, ADS 252 policy, DS-2019 issuance, EV tracking:
    • Assistance with TEAMS access and use: TEAMS helpdesk,
    USAID Instagram Exchange Visitor Thumbnail

    Back-to-school with a global twist! 108 Egyptian students have joined classrooms at @arizonastateuniversity, @unlincoln and other U.S. universities thanks to @usaidegypt’s scholarship exchange programs. These promising young students will study diverse fields including renewable energy, biotech, health, and AI.