Zambia is one of the world’s 30 high burden tuberculosis (TB), drug-resistant TB, and TB-HIV countries, according to the World Health Organization. In 2022 in Zambia, an estimated 59,000 people fell ill with TB, and approximately 5,300 people died due to TB. The USAID Tuberculosis Local Organizations Network supports prevention, care, and treatment of TB in Zambia. A key development initiative under USAID’s Global Accelerator to End Tuberculosis business model, USAID Tuberculosis Local Organizations Network is designed to increase investments from the public and private sectors to end the TB epidemic and build accountability and sustainability to achieve self-reliance of the national TB program.


Goal one

  • Improve case detection of TB.

Goal two

  • Strengthen programmatic management of drug-resistant TB.

Goal three

  • Provide an enabling environment for TB services through strengthening data management in the public and private sectors.

Goal four

  • Improve uptake of TB prevention and TB-HIV integration.


  • 405,669 suspected cases of TB were identified and of these suspected cases 46,139 were diagnosed with TB accounting for 87% of the national TB notifications. 
  • 144,605 people living with HIV were initiated on tuberculosis preventive treatment


  • Life of Project: March 2020 - March 2025

  • Geographic Focus: Lusaka, Southern, Northern, Northwestern, Copperbelt, Central, Muchinga, and Luapula provinces.

  • Partner: Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ)

  • Chief of Party: Dr. Mary Kagujje

  • Total USAID Funding: $24 million, contingent on availability of funds

  • USAID Contact: Kevin Zimba -



Zambia Active Project