USAID Zambia Accessible Markets for Health

The private sector has the ability to hire and train staff to deliver health services where there is demand, contributing to both better health outcomes and economic growth. USAID Zambia Accessible Markets for Health is a five-year project that aims to sustainably expand the availability and accessibility of high-quality health products and services in the private sector.

The program will employ private sector approaches such as marketing and partnerships with commercial and for-profit entities to achieve improved health outcomes for Zambians. The project targets adolescents, young people, and women of reproductive age with product marketing and social and behavior change initiatives to increase access to high-quality private sector health services.



Stimulate demand for health products and services and increase the adoption of healthy behaviors.


Sustainably expand the availability and accessibility of high-quality health services and products in the private sector.


Strengthen the enabling environment for private sector health actors.


  • Facilitated routine immunization, Vitamin A supplementation, and deworming for over 53,500 children.
  • Supported over 28,000 clients to choose a family planning method for the first time.
  • Enabled 221 women to deliver their babies in a facility (an important strategy for reducing maternal and neonatal mortality) and 97% of those women had postnatal visits within 48 hours of delivery.
  • Partnered with the private sector and community-based “last mile” entrepreneurs to distribute over 15 million condoms.
  • Led the formation of the Healthcare Federation of Zambia - a coordinating structure to represent the private health sector.
  • Co-hosted the National Health Policy consultative forum which led to the inclusion of private health sector participation in national health decision-making.
  • Provided cervical cancer screening and treatment services to over 2,000 women.
Zambia Active Project