To support the Government of Bangladesh’s ambitious target to transform into a developed nation by 2041, USAID is partnering with the public and private sectors through the USAID Bangladesh Advancing Development and Growth through Energy (BADGE) activity.

Through this flagship clean energy project, USAID is investing in Bangladesh’s transformation to a developed, decarbonized, and inclusive energy sector. USAID’s BADGE activity seeks to increase the utilization of renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies, diversify Bangladesh’s energy mix with sustainable and secure resources, and promote policies that attract private sector investment. 


Advanced energy technologies such as efficient renewables, battery storage, and electric vehicles will play an important role in increasing the reliability, affordability, and sustainability of Bangladesh’s energy sector. Through BADGE, USAID is working with the public and private sectors to update policies, regulations, and guidelines that encourage investment in proven technologies that expand access to high-quality power and modern energy services.


Energy institutions form the backbone of a functioning energy sector. USAID is providing collaborative technical assistance to accelerate the modernization of power utilities and systems, with a focus on strengthening sector planning, improving financial and operational performance, and enhancing power quality and reliability.


Increased competition and improved market structures are needed to improve the efficiency, transparency, accountability, and financial viability of the energy sector while enabling increased private sector investment. Through BADGE, and informed by successful interventions worldwide, USAID is introducing competitive procurement mechanisms like reverse auctions that can secure lower electricity prices and increase transparency in the energy sector.


Cross-border energy trade to and from Bangladesh can enhance national and regional stability, generate revenue, create jobs, advance economic growth, and improve social services. USAID is supporting the Government of Bangladesh to develop and implement a strategy for large-scale, least-cost electricity and capacity-building for transmission and system operation, while balancing interests in affordable, secured, and resilient energy.


Achieving gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment are fundamental for the realization of human rights and key to effective and sustainable development outcomes. BADGE supports gender-inclusive energy planning, promotes women’s entrepreneurship for sustainable energy, and improves the skills and financial access of youth and women to ensure their active participation in a sustainable energy future.


  • 5 million people with access to improved energy services
  • 60 institutions with capacity to advance clean energy initiatives
  • $3 billion in clean energy investment
  • Enhanced governance in the energy sector via new legislation, policies, and standards
  • 37 million tons of GHG emissions reduced or avoided 2 gigawatts of new power generation capacity

BADGE’s intended outcomes align with the U.S. Government’s Clean EDGE Asia (Enhancing Development and Growth through Clean Energy) objectives and USAID’s Energizing a Net-Zero Asia initiative.

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