The United States has long shared a strong friendship with Bangladesh since the country’s independence. It is a partnership driven by common interests that also recognizes Bangladesh as a key U.S. strategic partner in South Asia.

The USAID program in Bangladesh is the largest in Asia, with some of the world’s most important food security and health programs, along with strategically important democracy and governance, basic education, and environment activities. USAID also oversees a large humanitarian assistance portfolio in Bangladesh in response to the Rohingya crisis. As a long-standing partner, USAID remains committed to supporting Bangladesh on its journey to becoming an upper middle-income country by 2031.

Our Work

Agriculture and Food Security

In partnership with the Government of Bangladesh (GOB), USAID increases the availability and access to diversified nutritious foods, improves the sustainable productivity of targeted value chains through climate smart agriculture in 23 districts of southern Bangladesh, and enhances private sector competitiveness through a market systems approach. Digital agriculture and private sector engagement are used to promote economic growth, good corporate practices, and supply chain development that benefits poor smallholder farmers and small and medium enterprises. In addition, USAID assistance improves the formulation, analysis and implementation of food policy in Bangladesh through research, monitoring, training, and coordination with Bangladeshi stakeholders including government agencies, NGOs, CSOs, media, academia and financial institutions. 

Democracy, Human Rights and Governance

Good governance and accountability are critical for economic growth, health, education, and high-quality public services. USAID democracy and governance activities focus on enhancing citizen confidence in government by strengthening democratic processes and civil society, increasing access to justice, protecting human rights, supporting a culture of tolerance, and providing development opportunities for women, youth, and the marginalized. The activities integrate participation, inclusion, transparency, and accountability to support citizen responsive governance.

Environment, Energy and Climate Resilience

The majority of Bangladeshis rely on the country’s natural resources to supplement their livelihoods, placing tremendous strain on heavily degraded ecosystems (e.g., forests, wetlands) and its biodiversity. The situation is further exasperated as the country hosts the world's largest refugee population near the southern coastal areas. Frequent natural disasters significantly diminished ecological health, and ever-increasing energy demand are key challenges facing Bangladesh as it transitions to a middle-income country. USAID works with the GOB and the private sector to enhance the country’s energy security and resilience, improve trade and business enabling environments to build the resilience of individuals, communities, institutions, and the economy to the impacts of natural hazards and changing climatic conditions. 


Bangladesh’s sustained development progress is challenged by high mortality rates among women and children, the continued spread of tuberculosis, high prevalence of malnutrition, and weak health systems. To address these challenges, USAID works to strengthen resilient health systems to improve maternal and child health, expand family planning and reproductive health, reduce the burden of tuberculosis, and prevent and treat malnutrition. USAID supported every aspect of the COVID-19 response in Bangladesh including testing, treatment, contact tracing, community education, and vaccination.


USAID increases access and improves quality at pre-primary, primary and higher secondary education levels with an emphasis on education system strengthening. USAID’s integrated youth programming empowers Bangladesh’s youth to advance their own economic, civic and social development enhancing their resilience to shocks and stressors.

Disaster Response and Community Resilience

USAID supports disaster risk reduction activities by strengthening institutional capacity, coordination and infrastructure required to prepare, respond, and reduce risks related to natural disasters like cyclones, floods and other environmental shocks. Our programs also help poor communities improve water, sanitation and hygiene while equipping them with new jobs and livelihoods skills to help them withstand economic hardship.

Rohingya Emergency Response

The United States is the leading contributor of humanitarian assistance in response to the Rohingya crisis, having provided nearly $2.4 billion since the outbreak of violence in August 2017, including nearly $2 billion to assist Rohingya refugees and host communities in Bangladesh. USAID provides life-saving humanitarian assistance to meet the critical needs of refugees in camps, such as food and nutrition needs, while also supporting efforts to reduce disaster risks in camps which remain vulnerable to natural hazards. In addition, USAID programs support host communities affected by the refugee influx through food security, economic resilience, and disaster risk reduction activities to help households meet their basic needs and reduce exposure to disasters.