
Building Resilient Communities and Sustaining Livelihoods

The 2021 coup d’état and regime’s civil war has suppressed economic opportunity across Burma. The once growing economy ground to a halt as the ongoing conflict disrupted market systems, impeded investments, and closed businesses. Limited access to education has diminished economic opportunity for thousands of youth. To address these challenges, USAID works to foster economic development, bolster food security, and unlock access to quality education.

As directed by the BURMA Act, our programs help the people of Burma persevere through the current crisis and build the foundation for a more democratic and prosperous future. USAID does this by investing in education, private sector development, and agriculture to strengthen social and economic stability across the country.


More than 70 percent of Burma’s population earns its livelihood through agricultural activities. However, the prolonged conflict and civil war has significantly reduced agricultural production and exacerbated food insecurity. USAID works extensively with farmers and local agribusiness to boost food supplies and maintain local agricultural economies. For example, to address the current rice shortage and restrictions on exports, USAID delivers cash-voucher assistance to thousands of farmers so they can purchase seeds and fertilizer ahead of the growing season. This critical assistance helps sustain food production and opens-up access to agricultural resources building resilience in rural communities.


Unemployment and high food prices have forced millions into poverty, particularly in conflict-affected areas. In an effort to promote economic resilience, USAID takes a multi-pronged approach by targeting agricultural development, private sector engagement, good governance, and transparency. USAID provides grants and technical assistance to micro and small businesses that are committed to supporting vulnerable communities – helping expand livelihood opportunities in non-urban and ethnic areas. We also work to foster private sector transparency and counter market corruption by promoting responsible business practices for a more open and inclusive business enabling environment.


Education can transform generations of families and communities by providing the skills they need to reach their fullest potential and be productive members of society. Nevertheless, since the 2021 military coup, more than 6 million youth across the country have been excluded from access to education in government schools. To address this, USAID works to expand quality education by strengthening non-state education organizations and supporting direct education delivery. USAID has reached more than 300,000 students, including those in marginalized communities and affected by conflict. We are increasing access to higher education through scholarship programs that provide opportunities for Burma’s next generation of leaders to complete undergraduate and graduate degrees and certificate programs with universities and institutes in the United States and around the Asia region.


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A farmer in Burma prepares to plant seeds. USAID's Agriculture and Food-system Development Activity helps farmers improve productivity and community resilience.