2022 - 2025 | Association Nationale de Soutien aux Séropositifs et Malades du Sida (ANSS) | $2.1 Million

This activity aims to improve access to prevention, care, and treatment services free of stigma and discrimination to reduce HIV transmission among key populations in Burundi. The goal is to provide quality HIV care and treatment services to people living with HIV, so that they can live healthy, productive lives.

With support from the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), through USAID, this activity uses appropriate and high-impact interventions that reduce new infections, increase the delivery of services and scale-up treatment. This way, USAID is helping Burundi make progress toward achieving the overall PEPFAR goals of 95 percent detection of people living with HIV, 95 percent in treatment, and 95 percent virally suppressed (goals known as 95-95-95) for key populations.

Key populations is a PEPFAR term to refer to men who have sex with men, female sex workers, people who inject drugs, and transgender populations. In Burundi, the HIV/AIDS burden is four to 21 times higher among key populations compared to the general population. The risk of HIV transmission among these vulnerable groups is not only linked to their behaviors, but also to structural factors such as discrimination, stigmatization, violence, poverty, criminalization and lack of access to health services.


  • Increase availability of comprehensive HIV prevention, care, and treatment services, including reliable coverage across the continuum of HIV care for key populations and associated priority populations.
  • Enhance and sustain demand for comprehensive HIV prevention, care, and treatment services among key populations, people living with HIV, and associated social partners.
  • Strengthen systems for planning, monitoring, evaluating, and assuring the quality of HIV programs for key and priority populations.


  • 6,174 people from key populations reached with prevention services,
  • 94 persons from key populations newly enrolled on pre-exposure prophylaxis,
  • 1,756 persons from key populations tested for HIV,
  • 2127 people from key populations self-tested for HIV/AIDS,
  • 150 people from key populations who are positive for HIV started treatment,
  • 742 people from key populations on treatment,
  • 718 people from key populations tested for viral load.


  • 1,943 people from key populations were reached with HIV prevention interventions,
  • 9,129 male condoms and 7,860 lubricants distributed to key populations,
  • 31 people from key populations enrolled on pre-exposure prophylaxis,
  • 1,453 people from key populations tested for HIV/AIDS,
  • Identified 50 new positive cases, all of whom enrolled in treatment,
  • Distributed 295 kits for self-testing,
  • 343 clients tested for viral load, 
  • 337 clients virally suppressed.


  • Implementation period: August 2022 – August 2025 
  • Budget: $2.1 million
  • Implementing partner: Association Nationale de Soutien aux Séropositifs et Malades du Sida (ANSS)
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