
Monday, March 11, 2024
Eng Chheng, Acquisition and Assistance Specialist
Ms. Eng Chheng, Acquisition and Assistance Specialist

During the month of March, in recognition of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day (March 8, 2024), USAID is celebrating the contributions of women everywhere who work to build better lives for their families and communities. USAID is committed to advancing and investing in gender equality and women's empowerment globally.

Learn how USAID/Cambodia has inspired and encouraged women through the eyes of its locally employed staff:

Eng Chheng
Acquisition and Assistance Specialist

What made you want to work at USAID?

Eng has dreamed of working at USAID since she was a little girl growing up in a humble home in Battambang. One day when she was about ten, Eng was visited by a UN Transitional Authority (UNTAC) worker who left her a packet of food containing peanut butter and a plastic spoon. The package was stamped with the red and blue USAID logo—something Eng had never seen before.

"I'll never forget my first taste of peanut butter that day, and the colors of that logo," she says.

In 2014, her dream of working at USAID became a reality.


What do you consider your greatest accomplishment at USAID?

Through her interaction with partners, Eng indirectly impacts the lives of real people in this country in a positive way.

“Well, I think my greatest accomplishment is working here for almost a decade. I believe that I have made meaningful contributions by supporting the technical office in crafting awards to meet the Mission's priorities and goals,” she says.


What advice do you have for young women or girls who aspire to work at USAID?

Women and girls who aspire to work at USAID should dream big and work hard.

“Your hard work will pay off if you are dedicated, committed, and passionate about what you want to do and what you plan to do in the future. Planning your future helps you to reach your dream one step at a time. That is why it is important to have hope and to work hard to make your dreams a reality,” she says.


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