The Department of State and USAID continue to implement oversight recommendations from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and their respective inspector generals. Pursuant to the Good Accounting Obligation in Government Act (P.L. 115-414), this supplement to the Department and USAID’s FY 2022 Congressional Budget Justifications (CBJ) provides the status of all open recommendations, anticipated timelines for implementation, and other corrective actions.
Since the last report, the Department closed and/or resolved a total of 52 open recommendations (21 GAO and 31 OIG). USAID closed/resolved 325 open recommendations (18 GAO and 307 OIG).
The appendix is presented in four categories, each sorted by the public release date of the report, from most recent to oldest:
- GAO open recommendations: U.S Department of State;
- OIG open recommendations: U.S. Department of State;
- GAO open recommendations: USAID;
- OIG open recommendations: USAID.