Expanding Opportunities for U.S. Energy Companies Abroad

USAID Energy

Fact Sheet –

Aerial photo of a wind farm. A line of large wind turbines stretch into the distance along a green ridge against a blue sky filled with white clouds. The wind farm's power transmission facility can be seen in the center of the ridge.
USAID is catalyzing a huge market opportunity for the U.S. private sector by expanding markets for clean energy technology and services abroad—and in turn, boosting the economy and driving U.S. job growth.

Strong governance and utility performance are widely recognized as prerequisites for the private sector to invest in energy. USAID’s programs that support business-friendly policy, regulatory, and market regimes expand the number of viable markets for U.S. businesses and complement the Department of State, Department of Commerce, and U.S. Trade and Development Agency trade promotion efforts.

Emerging energy markets provide a massive opportunity for investment and leadership from U.S. institutions focused on clean energy. According to the IMF, most of the $2 trillion in annual investments that will be needed to transition in developing country energy sectors will have to come from the private sector, not the public sector, where funds can be scarce. U.S. exports of power generation, transmission, and distribution infrastructure to USAID energy sector-assisted countries totaled $2.5 billion in 2021—but much more is needed.

U.S. energy companies and experts have an opportunity to lead the way in meeting these growth needs by expanding into markets abroad—and are uniquely positioned to fill this gap with ample expertise, knowledge, and technologies that can help diversify energy sources and improve energy efficiency across the globe. With the continued support of USAID’s energy programs—the investment, employment, and leadership opportunities abroad in clean energy represent a robust market for the U.S. private sector.

How USAID Creates Investment Opportunities for American Business

  • Supporting energy sector privatization efforts–enabling major U.S. investments in generation, transmission, and distribution.
  • Mobilizing private investment overseas by supporting and designing renewable energy auctions that U.S. energy firms can and do bid on.
  • Designing strong regulations and reforms for the energy sector, which pave the way for new technologies and innovations to be introduced to market.
  • Providing expertise and technical assistance to American businesses and partner country stakeholders.
  • Working with in-country power distributors to forecast energy demand and plan new investment–which gives investors confidence in their decision about when, where, and how to invest.

Colombia Renewable Energy Auctions

USAID supported Colombia with two renewable energy auctions recently, which have attracted more than $2 billion in private sector investment, including over $250 million from U.S. energy firms. Over the past ten years, USAID programs have helped our partners deliver 276,000 megawatts (MW) of renewable capacity across more than 45 countries and mobilized more than $330 billion of private investment in new generation.

U.S.-Africa Clean Tech Energy Network

USAID, through a collaboration between Power Africa and Prosper Africa, recently engaged more than 100 U.S. companies among Power Africa’s private sector partners on the new U.S.-Africa Clean Tech Energy Network activity. Through this effort, USAID advised them on market intelligence, shared trade and investment opportunities, provided transaction advisory services, and assisted those interested with fundraising, to facilitate a two-way ecosystem to unlock innovation and advance bankable deals for U.S. Cleantech companies.

Privatization in Nearly 20 Countries

USAID has supported energy sector privatization efforts in nearly 20 countries, which has benefited U.S. companies including General Electric (GE) and the AES corporation by supplying equipment and buying utilities.

For More Information

Renewable Energy Auctions Toolkit


Auctions are best practice for procuring least-cost energy. This toolkit draws on USAID’s experience supporting this competitive, transparent process to help countries meet their energy and climate goals while attracting investment in their clean energy futures.

USAID Energy


Through its established field presence, global and country-level industry networks, and long-standing relationships with government and private sector partners, USAID embraces an integrated approach to energy sector reform to reduce barriers to private investment and open clean energy markets, strengthen governing institutions, reduce air pollution and emissions, and develop resilient and financially viable power systems.

Environment, Energy, and Infrastructure


The conservation and stewardship of natural resources; reliable and affordable access to secure, modern energy services; and modern, resilient infrastructure are critical to promote sustainable growth, enhance security, and accelerate progress toward resilience and prosperity.