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Per 22 CFR 216.1(c), an IEE is a “first review of the reasonably foreseeable effects of a proposed action on the environment. Its function is to provide a brief statement of the factual basis for a Threshold Decision as to whether an EA or an EIS will be required.”

As such, the IEE is used to justify and document Threshold Decision(s) (i.e., Negative or Positive Determination(s)) for one or more proposed actions. The IEE is also used to document Categorical Exclusions per 22 CFR 216.2(c) and Deferrals of Threshold Decision per 22 CFR 216.3(a)(1) for proposed actions, where these actions are part of the set of actions examined by the IEE.

(Note: if the IEE would establish no Negative or Positive Determinations, a Determination of Categorical Exclusion (DCE) or Request for Deferral should be developed instead of an IEE. This template is also applicable for the addition of activities where the environmental analysis and threshold decision have not been previously completed.)


Environmental Procedures Template