
Via the navigation links at left, this section of the environmental procedures site provides the laws, regulations, policies and visions that mandate and implement the Agency’s environmental procedures.

Foreign Assistance Act of 1961: Section 117, 118, and 119

Sections of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as Amended (FAA) that mandate an EIA process for USAID and establish environmental requirements and programming mandates in the area of tropical forests and biodiversity.  Sections 117, 118, and 119 specifically apply to USAID's safeguarding of the environment.  

The International Financial Institutions Act of 1977: Title XIII

Title XIII of the International Financial Institutions Act of 1977, as Amended (IFIA), which outlines in part the U.S. Government’s requirements for reviewing potential environmental and social impacts of proposed multilateral development bank (MDB) projects. The Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of State, and the Administrator of USAID have specific responsibilities under the Act.

Federal Regulation

22 CFR 216, the federal regulation that specifies USAID’s pre-implementation EIA process. The Federal Register, Vol 74, No. 173, September 9, 2009, pp. 46413-5, establishes categorical exclusions for certain internal, domestic USAID activities funded from the USAID operating expense account.

Also provided is the 22 CFR 216 regulatory history of the development of the current federal regulation 22 CFR 216.

International Treaties

USAID works in partnership with countries around the world to support the effective implementation and achievement of International Treaties through programs and initiatives that provide technical assistance, capacity building, and resources to partner countries.

Executive Orders

US Presidential Executive Orders that establish environmental review requirements for certain USAID programming and/or establish related programming mandates

USAID Operational Policy

Chapter and elements of USAID Operational Policy—the Automated Directive System (ADS)—that (1) implement 22 CFR 216, along with related design and follow-through requirement, over the USAID program cycle; and (2) specify environmental requirements for specific programming situations.  USAID's operational policy for 22 CFR 216 is ADS 204.  

USAID Social Policies, Strategies and Visions

USAID is committed to development that is inclusive of disadvantaged groups and to human rights. These commitments are expressed in part via a set of social policies, strategies and visions for Agency programming.

These policies, strategies and visions inform the Agency’s understanding of and response to potential to social impacts in its development programming.


Environmental Procedures