
USAID is sharing the stories of people across Georgia who, with USAID’s partnership, are building the country’s prosperous, democratic, and European future. Salome Artmeladze is head of the Orbeliani Meti crowdfunding platform, a USAID-supported initiative that helps Georgians raise money for the issues that matter to them.

“There are many people in different regions of Georgia who want to change their community, village, or city for the better,” says Salome Artmeladze. “We decided to give people the opportunity to finance their interesting ideas through crowdfunding. That is how the crowdfunding platform Orbeliani Meti was created, the history of which is largely the result of the determination and hard work of strong women.”

The USAID Civil Society Engagement Program supports Orbeliani Meti by co-funding selected initiatives – meaning that when citizens raise 30 percent of the funds needed for locally prioritized initiatives, USAID provides 70 percent matching funding. 

“With USAID support, it was possible to implement social initiatives through the Orbeliani Meti platform in all regions of Georgia for all members of society,” says Salome. 

So far, USAID has provided co-funding for citizen-led initiatives such as establishing a rock-climbing club in Nikozi, equipping a youth theater in Rustavi, distributing books to remote mountainous communities, and much, much more. 

For Salome, these initiatives are not only important on the local level, but also have a national impact: “Crowdfunding involves implementing different important initiatives through public support, which in turn strengthens local civil society, which is vital for the development of our state.” 

In closing, Salome also shared her advice for how women can lead civic efforts: “My advice for women: Don't be afraid to advocate for yourself, your ideas, and your values … Remember that your unique perspective, experience and contribution as a woman can enrich the working practices of NGOs and promote positive change across the country.”


People Want to Change Their Community for the Better