The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan (MoH) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (collectively the "Participants" and individually a "Participant") share the mutual goal of ending the spread of tuberculosis (TB), especially multidrug and extensively-drug resistant (DR) varieties of TB, through improving the cost-effective delivery of healthcare services and access to quality diagnosis, treatment and care in Uzbekistan.

This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") sets forth the mutual understandings of the Participants to work together to achieve these shared goals. The specific purpose of this MOU is to outline the Participants' understanding regarding USAID's potential provision of assistance to the Republic of Uzbekistan's National TB Program (NTP) for reducing TB in Uzbekistan. USAID intends to provide this assistance through USAIDfunded health activities which currently include USAID TB Control, Challenge TB, Promoting the Quality of Medicines, Health Information Systems, other national-level and regional health systems strengthening activities, as well as potential future TBrelated activities (collectively referred to herein as "the Projects") that seek to achieve the same or similar goals.