/node/526406In Haiti’s health sector, there have been positive gains in some areas with stagnation in others.  These mixed results reflect a health sector that continues to face significant challenges. Weak governance and coordination, geographic and financial barriers to access health services, shortages of essential medicines, and the difficulty of attracting and retaining qualified health professionals, are all chronic struggles for the Ministry of Health (MOH).

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is heavily invested in meeting the immediate health needs of Haitians today, while working with the Haitian government to build long-term solutions to the chronic health challenges affecting the nation.  It does this by focusing on three critical areas: health service delivery; water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); and health systems strengthening (HSS). 

To learn more about USAID's work in the health sector,


The New Saint Boniface Surgery Ward

Doctors at St. Boniface Hospital in Fonds-des-Blancs, Haiti, where USAID funded the construction of a new Surgery ward.
Emile Manigat, Jr. / USAID