
USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA) responds to protection needs that arise during humanitarian crises, and seeks to prevent, mitigate, and address abuse, exploitation, and violence. Examples of life-threatening protection needs that must be addressed throughout a crisis include attacks on civilians; gender-based violence, including sexual violence; separation of children from their families; and widespread psychosocial distress. USAID/BHA works with partners from the outset of an emergency to bolster protective environments, social services, and community-led efforts to support those most at risk. In FY 2023, USAID/BHA nongovernmental organization and UN partners supported more than 280 protection programs across approximately 50 contexts, including creating and facilitating safe spaces, deploying social workers, establishing peer support groups, and safety mapping. At the global level, USAID/BHA technical specialists identify and fund solutions to technical and coordination gaps within the protection sector worldwide.

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