Shelter and Settlements

USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA) remains at the forefront of the global humanitarian community’s shelter and settlements (S&S) activities, providing S&S support to populations displaced by climatic shocks, complex emergencies, livelihood disruptions, and natural disasters around the world. USAID/BHA continues to champion the sector’s best practices by providing experienced and dedicated staff with technical expertise related to S&S programming, operational support, and research. Effective S&S programming provides more than four walls and a roof to displaced households, as it is critical to facilitating access to multi-sector needs of crisis-affected populations, such as health, protection, and water, sanitation, and hygiene. Humanitarian S&S assistance plays a critical role in bolstering positive outcomes across humanitarian sectors that support community preparedness, response, and recovery to crises. Effective S&S assistance enables climate protection and immediate safety for communities, as well as dignity, privacy, and security for affected populations.

In FY 2023, USAID/BHA supported 46 partners, including nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and UN agencies, to implement S&S activities in 38 countries, such as Malawi, Sudan, Türkiye, and Ukraine.