Dharma putting on her prosthetic limbs. Credit: Pralhad Gairapipli

USAID Support for Physical Rehabilitation through the Leahy War Victims Fund

According to global estimates, 2.4 billion people worldwide would benefit from physical rehabilitation services, including access to assistive technologies—like wheelchairs, prostheses, and hearing aids—to optimize their functioning and promote their well-being. While this number seems daunting, it will likely rise due to growing numbers of persons with injuries resulting from conflict, aging populations, increased prevalence of non-communicable diseases like diabetes, the impact of COVID-19, and natural disasters. Lack of access to physical rehabilitation can negatively impact an individual's physical functioning and is associated with decreased productivity, lower household income levels, and reduced educational outcomes across entire populations. 

The global community defines rehabilitation as a set of interventions designed to enable persons with health conditions to optimize their functioning in interaction with their environment. Physical rehabilitation includes services, such as prosthetic and orthotic services; physical, occupational, and speech language therapy; and access to wheelchairs and other assistive technologies. Physical rehabilitation is an essential component of effective health care systems and of successful inclusive development. By integrating physical rehabilitation and assistive technologies into development activities, USAID empowers individuals to optimize their functioning, engage with their communities, and enhance their well-being.

USAID Response

Since 1989, USAID has worked through its Leahy War Victims Fund to develop sustainable quality physical rehabilitation services, including prosthetic and orthotic, physical and occupational therapy, and assistive technology services in conflict-affected countries. Today, USAID also emphasizes the development of these services in health systems as an essential service for all. USAID supports the development of a range of physical rehabilitation services while maintaining its vital focus on developing services for victims of conflict and persons with disabilities. USAID supports activities that organize, strengthen, and extend comprehensive physical rehabilitation services inclusive of assistive technologies, particularly in countries affected by conflict. 

Program Focus Areas

  • Advancing Change: USAID aims to drive significant change in the physical rehabilitation sector through enhanced and innovative service delivery models, workforce capacity-building, and extensive data and research capabilities. This initiative will help ensure that millions of people in low- and middle-income countries, affected by conflict, have access to quality, sustainable services that respond to the growing need for physical rehabilitation.
  • Addressing the Unmet Need: USAID works worldwide to integrate rehabilitation into health systems and essential packages of care to ensure quality services are available to individuals who need them. As part of this effort, the Agency supports the Rehabilitation 2030 Initiative, which calls for coordinated action and joint commitments among all stakeholders to raise the profile of rehabilitation as a health strategy essential to all. Key actions include improving rehabilitation management and investment; building quality rehabilitation standards and guidelines; and enhancing data collection on rehabilitation.
  • Strengthening Physical Rehabilitation Services: USAID works in low- and middle-income countries affected by conflict to strengthen the national physical rehabilitation sector. Project staff work with national authorities to develop strategies and implement a plan for physical rehabilitation with the goal of removing barriers facing civilian victims of conflict and persons with disabilities, and fostering sustainable, quality physical rehabilitation services.
  • Expanding Access: USAID is expanding access to quality, affordable physical rehabilitation services and assistive technologies. This strengthens the capacity of existing and emerging physical rehabilitation professionals; strengthens physical rehabilitation and assistive technology services and the referral processes for those services; supports the development of public-private partnerships; and advocates for changes in policies to enhance access to services.
  • Promoting Disability Inclusion: USAID is enhancing the independence and functioning of victims of conflict and persons with disabilities through equal access to health and social services. USAID is partnering with in-country governments and civil society to develop and implement disability-inclusive policies and ensure optimal participation so that no one is left behind. 
  • Supporting Public-Private Partnerships: USAID is working to create sustainable, integrated, public-private rehabilitation services to improve the independence of victims of conflict and others in need of rehabilitation services. This effort will bolster financing for sustainable physical rehabilitation services and strengthen relationships between the public and private sector. 
disability Physical Rehabilitation Leahy War Victims Fund LWVF war victims fund