
In Kosovo, youth often don’t have the opportunity to participate in decision-making around policies that directly affect them. This is particularly true in rural areas. Without spaces or chances to engage and voice concerns, many youth have come to feel sidelined. USAID’s Up to Youth Activity has worked to create Youth Support Networks (YSNs) to foster inclusive engagement and collaboration. Over the past five years, the activity has sparked the formation of these networks in nine municipalities across Kosovo. 

For young people like Nerxhivane from Hani i Elezit and Ideal from Gjakova, YSNs have been vital outlets for dialogue inspiring change. Participation over the years has seen the two emerge as leaders capable of mobilizing local action, and this has paid major benefits to their communities. Through YSNs, Nerxhivane launched an initiative to improve employment prospects for people with disabilities while Ideal has made a major push for comprehensive career guidance programs for local youth. Other network members have even been tackling difficult issues dividing ethnic groups in Kosovo. For example, a member in Mitrovica named Milaim recently helped establish a multiethnic camp that brought together Kosovan Albanian and Kosovan Serb youth to forge mutual understanding and dispel harmful misconceptions.  

The success of the YSNs highlights the critical importance of empowering young voices and creating avenues for them to actively shape a more equitable society. Through sustained collaboration and engagement, these efforts are setting a powerful precedent, ensuring that the concerns of Kosovo's youth are not only heard but also acted upon for the benefit of all.

Networking Facilitates Solutions, Improves Life for Youth and Communities
USAID’s Up to Youth Activity has worked to create Youth Support Networks (YSNs) to foster inclusive engagement and collaboration. Over the past five years, the activity has sparked the formation of these networks in nine municipalities across Kosovo.
Global Communities for USAIDKosovo
Kosovo Stories