For Immediate Release

Press Release


VIENTIANE, LAO PDR — The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic are pleased to announce the provision of US $702,696 worth of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) equipment and vehicles to the Provincial People’s Assemblies of Lao PDR. Through their partnership which supports the strengthening of the capacity and effectiveness of The People’s Assemblies System in Laos (STEPS Project), USAID and UNDP are providing advanced technology to all Provincial People's Assemblies (PPAs), which were established in 2015 to help increase public engagement and promote accountability.  The STEPS project, which is implemented in partnership with the National and Provincial People’s Assemblies, aims to enhance effective and inclusive governance in Lao PDR. 

At the ceremony, USAID Assistant Administrator for Asia, Michael Schiffer handed over the items to representatives from the National Assembly. More than 50 people representing members of parliaments both at national and provincial levels, U.S. officials, as well as UNDP Resident Representative and the STEPS team witnessed the handover.

“Today marks a significant milestone in USAID’s partnership with Laos as we hand over these vehicles and other essential ICT equipment -- tools that will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of public governance and administration,” said Mr. Schiffer. “USAID remains committed to empowering Laos assembly members with the tools they need to fulfill their critical responsibilities. Through their important work, communities across the country will be well-represented, policies will become ever more inclusive, and fundamental quality services will become more affordable and accessible to all.

“UNDP is delighted to support the digital transformation of the People’s Assembly system through the STEPS project. The handover of critical ICT equipment and vehicles, with the generous support of USAID, will contribute to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Assemblies to represent the voices of the people of Lao PDR and respond to their needs,” said Martine Therér, Resident Representative of UNDP Lao PDR.

The state-of-the-art digital tools will be integral in streamlining processes, enabling PPAs to engage more effectively with the public, and enhancing the transparency and accessibility of information among the local parliaments and with the public. The STEPS project's continued support in ICT governance and management reinforces the project's long-term sustainability and impact.

US and Laos Official at the Handover Ceremony of USAID-funded Vehicles and IT Equipment

US and Laos Official at the Handover Ceremony of USAID-funded Vehicles and IT Equipment
Athit Chanthalath/USAID

USAID-donated IT Equipment to the Lao National and Provincial People's Assemblies

USAID-donated IT Equipment to the Lao National and Provincial People's Assemblies
Athit Chanthalath/USAID

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