In 2024, USAID conducted a midcourse stocktaking of the USAID/Libya Strategic Framework 2021-2024. The Country Strategic Framework (SF) was revised and extended until 2026 to reflect the evolving context in Libya. The goal statement remains the same:  “Strengthen the foundations of a more stable, inclusive, and self-reliant Libya,” reflecting the U.S. foreign policy position that stability in Libya is important for U.S. national interests, and that a peaceful political transition is the only sustainable path forward. A stable, inclusive, and self-reliant Libya is one in which historical, economic, and social grievances that serve as drivers to the conflict are mitigated and addressed;  and diverse voices- including those of women, youth, and indigenous populations - are reflected throughout Libyan society and political and economic life.  In support of that goal, the strategic framework has two Development Objectives (DOs):

  • Improve the effectiveness of key Libyan governance institutions, and
  • Empower Libyans to mitigate drivers of instability and conflict

USAID/Libya’s updated SF reflects that U.S. foreign policy has evolved to focus on strengthening the foundations for a democratic political transition, by placing a greater emphasis on technical support for local elections and accountable municipal governance, economic empowerment and diversification, civil society engagement, transparent and accountable public institutions. 

USAID/Libya will strategically invest in programs that promote political and economic stability and democratic governance for all Libyans, increase the ability of the government to deliver effective public services, and improve the climate for private-sector investment that fosters broad-based economic opportunity and benefits U.S. and Libyan business interests.


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