For Immediate Release

Office of Press Relations

Press Release

The below is attributable to Spokesperson Rebecca Chalif:‎

Yesterday, Administrator Samantha Power met with Hailemariam Dessalegn, Board Chair of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). Administrator Power and Chair Dessalegn discussed how AGRA can respond to current food crises and partner for more sustainable, equitable food systems. They specifically discussed the need to support African countries in preparing for major shocks to global food security and nutrition following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

They also discussed AGRA’s support in advancing USAID strategic priorities including the U.S. government’s updated and enhanced Global Food Security Strategy and climate efforts such as the President's Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE) and the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate). 

Administrator Power expressed her concern about the historic drought unfolding in the Horn of Africa, as well as the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on food security in the Horn,  including the follow-on effects on rising prices of food, fuel, and fertilizer. She emphasized USAID’s work to collect and analyze data, as well as synthesize evidence, to inform response planning on the global impacts of the Ukraine crisis.

Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa
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