For Immediate Release

Office of Press Relations

Press Release

Today, in partnership with the Government of Moldova and the Technical University of Moldova, USAID launched CyberCor National Institute of Cybersecurity Innovations, a state-of-the-art educational institution designed to train Moldova’s next generation of cybersecurity experts. CyberCor will lead to a more skilled, future-ready workforce and boost Moldova’s civilian security and economic prosperity.

The Government of Moldova, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Sweden came together to help Moldova create CyberCor. The goal is to train a new generation of cybersecurity experts prepared to defend their nation against cyber threats. In addition to its $1.5 million commitment to the Institute, USAID has brokered partnerships with leading private sector firms in support of CyberCor, including U.S.-based corporations such as Cisco and Google. In April 2024, Deputy Administrator Isobel Coleman presented USAID-funded IT and cybersecurity equipment valued at $600,000 to CyberCor.

CyberCor will leverage the collective strengths of the public and private sectors, as well as academia, to tackle the most pressing cybersecurity challenges facing Moldova. As digital threats have grown increasingly prevalent and sophisticated, USAID reaffirms its commitment to Moldova’s digital transformation and national security.

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