Position Title
Deputy Assistant Administrator

Nidhi Bouri was appointed as Deputy Assistant Administrator for Global Health in June 2023. She previously served in the Biden-Harris White House, most recently as Senior Advisor for Foreign Policy in the Office of the First Lady. She served on the National Security Council, first as Director for Global Health Response and then as Acting Senior Director for Development, Global Health, and Humanitarian Response. During her tenure at the National Security Council, Ms. Bouri created the Administration's Global Health Worker Initiative; coordinated the Administration’s response to the global food security crisis and President Biden’s hosting of the Global Fund Replenishment – one of the largest single global health pledging events in history; and supported the safe relocation of Afghan evacuees.

Ms. Bouri is a global development and foreign policy expert with 17 years of field-based experience, focused on building partnerships, driving strategy, and leading dynamic teams in complex environments. She previously served in USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, as well as Deputy Executive Director and Chief of Staff for USAID’s first COVID-19 Task Force in 2020. Prior to her time in government, Ms. Bouri worked in the non-governmental sector, leading assistance programs focused on health system collapse, humanitarian protection, and mass migration. She started her career in research, focused on national and global health security and pandemic preparedness. Ms. Bouri has worked on the frontlines to deliver emergency assistance in several countries, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. She holds an MPH from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, a Certificate in Change Leadership from Cornell University, and a BA from the University of Maryland.

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