
Position Title
Mission Director

Amy Tohill-Stull is a career member of the United States Senior Foreign Service, with more than 25 years of development experience in countries characterized by conflict, political transition, and/or humanitarian crisis. 

Ms. Tohill-Stull serves as the Mission Director to the USAID/West Bank and Gaza Mission. In this capacity, she oversees a program valued at an estimated $270 million in FY 2022, aimed at improving the lives of Palestinians and cultivating the conditions for a two-state solution through economic, humanitarian, and peace-building programs.

She previously held the role of Deputy Assistant to the Administrator of USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (2020-2022), the U.S. Government lead for international disaster response. With a mandate to save lives, alleviate human suffering, and reduce the impact of disasters, Ms. Tohill-Stull oversaw BHA’s policy level and technical engagement on issues such as global food insecurity, COVID-19, global health security strengthening, and climate adaptation/resilience building as well as bilateral and multilateral donor partnerships to coordinate crisis-related assistance and humanitarian system reform. In a similar role, Ms. Tohill-Stull also served as Deputy Assistant Administrator for USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance (2019-2020).

As Mission Director and Deputy Mission Director of USAID/Nepal (2014-2019), she oversaw U.S. foreign assistance in the wake of the 2015 earthquakes and in support of the country’s political transition to a federal style of government. In Kabul, Afghanistan (2013-2014), she was responsible for overall strategic planning, budget management, project design, donor coordination, performance management, and cross-cutting program implementation to include institutional capacity building, multi-donor trust funds, cash-based transfers, and gender equality/social inclusion. Other posts include Amman, Jordan, Harare, Zimbabwe, and Almaty, Kazakhstan. Prior to joining the Foreign Service, Ms. Tohill-Stull worked for USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, serving on multiple Disaster Assistance Response Teams fielded to coordinate U.S. Government humanitarian assistance and disaster mitigation efforts in the Asia and Latin America regions. Prior to her career with USAID, she worked for the World Resources Institute on a range of development issues.

Ms. Tohill-Stull received a Master’s Degree in International Development from American University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Purdue University

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