

The more than one million Venezuelans residing in Peru left their country in pursuit of a better life, including access to a decent livelihood. This pursuit can be difficult, especially in the context of the pandemic.

USAID supports activities that facilitate the economic insertion of Venezuelan migrants and refugees as well as local populations. This activity, implemented by the local non-governmental organization CEDRO, is mainly focused on the cities of Lima, Arequipa, and Trujillo, where the largest populations of Venezuelan immigrants reside, but it also covers regions of the Mancomunidad Regional de los Andes, where they look to enhance the positive effect of skilled migration.


  1. Certification / Accreditation: Through partners such as UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE, IDAT, CISCO and other partners and allies from the public and private sector, CEDRO facilitates training and/or certification of qualifications for Venezuelans.
  2. Job placement: CEDRO focuses on placing Venezuelans in formal employment opportunities. This will be achieved by approaching the private sector (companies and associations) and public institutions, seeking an effective relationship of the program with the existing gaps in the market.
  3. Small business strengthening: Venezuelan-owned small businesses are strengthened through the capacity building program tailored to the needs of the entrepreneur. This program provides training on a variety of topics; articulates entrepreneurs with mentors; help with licensing and other bureaucratic/administrative matters; and, in some cases, it will provide seed capital to promising companies.


Implementer: Centro de Información y Educación para la Prevención del Abuso de Drogas (CEDRO)
Duration: February 19, 2021, to July 31, 2023
Location: Perú (Lima, Arequipa, Trujillo and Mancomunidad Regional de los Andes)