Category of Support
Finance » Grant Funding
United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)
Private Sector
Project Developers
Public Sector
U.S. Companies

Grant support open to project developers and host governments for feasibility studies, technical assistance, and the comprehensive analyses that infrastructure projects need to move from concept to financing and implementation.

Sub Saharan Africa
Grid Status
Low- and middle-income countries, with priority given to select countries in each region.
Grant recipients must be host country entities and can either a) approach USTDA with a U.S. firm ready to perform the USTDA-funded activity (sole-sourced) or b) work with USTDA to compete out the work to U.S. firms (competed). Project must: (1) be likely to receive implementation financing, and in addition, have a procurement process that provides "equal access" to U.S. firms; (2) represent an opportunity for sales of U.S. goods and services that is many times greater than the initial investment of USTDA assistance; (3) be a development priority of the project sponsor and country where the project is located and have the endorsement of the U.S. Embassy in that nation. It may also involve U.S. companies that are facing market entry problems and/or strong competition from foreign companies which often receive subsidies and other support from their governments.
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