Power Africa Partners

The Power of Partnership

Partnership is at the core of Power Africa. Bringing cleaner, more efficient electricity to sub-Saharan Africa requires an innovative model of development — linking public and private sector goals and resources, and connecting investors and entrepreneurs to opportunities.

Power Africa bridges the gap between the private sector, development partners, and the U.S. Government to spur increased investment in Africa’s energy sector, reduce barriers to investment, and deliver reliable electricity access throughout sub-Saharan Africa.




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Associations & NGOs


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Equipment Suppliers


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Off-Grid Solar & Productive Use


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Micro Grids


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Transmission & Distribution


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Mixed Technologies


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A partnership with Power Africa is a commitment to work together to facilitate the development of 30,000 MW of cleaner, more efficient electricity generation capacity and to add 60 million new home and business connections throughout sub-Saharan Africa. We are constantly adding new partners and facilitating collaboration across our network.

Power Africa’s private sector partners receive individualized attention to understand market dynamics, learn about the latest trends, and overcome barriers to investment in African energy markets. Power Africa’s development partners coordinate development assistance and leverage infrastructure financing with leading global governmental and non-governmental agencies. Power Africa’s interagency partners provide a direct line to U.S. Government agencies operating in sub-Saharan Africa's energy sector.

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Power Africa, which includes 12 U.S. government agencies, partners with African governments, the private sector, international organizations, and bilateral and multilateral donors to stimulate investment in sub-Saharan Africa’s energy sector.

Our unique approach is defined by:

  • African-led Reform: Power Africa works with African governments to fill critical skills gaps, drive reforms, and build and maintain power sectors for generations to come.
  • On-the-Ground Support: Power Africa’s in-country advisors identify the technical, financial, and political solutions needed to facilitate faster access to power for local communities, major cities, and regional power pools. They work closely with our partners to provide and implement these solutions.
  • Transaction Focus: Power Africa addresses the critical impediments that hinder progress of a particular deal, creating a ripple effect that assists other deals facing similar issues in the country. Our approach to reforming Africa’s energy sector is to work with governments and the private sector to strengthen an enabling environment with laws and policies that attract investment.
  • Working Beyond the Grid: Power Africa partners with investors and companies to implement small-scale and off-grid energy solutions, such as solar home systems, micro-grids, and mini-grid connections, to increase people’s access to electricity in remote communities.
  • Bridging the Financing Gap: Power Africa works through partners, including the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation, using tools such as credit guarantees and first-loss capital, to de-risk investments so that public and private investors can fund projects that drive more electricity generation and connections.
  • Empowering and Powering Women: Recognizing that men and women experience energy poverty differently, and historically have had unequal access to energy-related opportunities, Power Africa supports projects, programs, and policies that value women as energy consumers and that promote women’s participation and leadership in the energy sector workforce.

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