Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Summary

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

System Name: Credit Management System (CMS)
Managing Office: USAID Office of Development Credit (EGEE/DC)
Date PIA Completed: July 24, 2018


The Credit Management System (CMS) was developed in 2002 to help manage USAID credit programs for the USAID Office of Development Credit (EGEE/DC), or DCA. Founded in 1999, DCA is USAID’s primary tool for mobilizing private capital. Through the program, USAID operating units partner with local banks and other lending institutions to help mobilize credit into critical and underbanked sectors, such as micro and small enterprise development, microfinance, agriculture, health, education, energy, infrastructure, and governance; the CMS platform is critical in the management of this global guarantee portfolio. Partner lending institutions across multiple regions continuously enter loan information into the system including borrower data, impact data, and loan behavior data that includes disbursements, repayments, and current balances. USAID then uses that data to invoice fees, process claim submissions, manage contingent liability exposure, monitor cash-flow, and produce a series of reports that track and analyze partner compliance, program performance, and impact data. In addition, USAID mission offices of financial management use disbursement and claim data housed in CMS for budget accruals and USAID/CFO uses CMS to track portfolio receivables and subsidy disbursements. Other partners, such as co-guarantors, implementing partners, and others also use CMS to track the progress and performance of the program. For DCA, the platform acts not just as a data center but as a feedback mechanism that helps track trends and partner behavior, which then is used to prioritize interventions and improve project design.

PIA Summary