Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Summary

Monday, July 15, 2013

System Name: OFDAnet Account Verification
Managing Office: OFDA
Date PIA Completed: July 2013


OFDA.GOV is an independent network completely controlled by OFDA. It is primarily located in contractor-provided space at 2107 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA (Wilson) and at the National Press Club Building's 529 14th St, NW Washington, DC (NPB) with an extension to the RRB. OFDA.GOV provides OFDA-specific resources including file storage, a SharePoint intranet, the Abacus awards management system, and Exchange- based OFDA.GOV email. The GSS also provides storage for information that is used to verify user identification before they can receive an OFDAnet user account.

PIA Summary