

The USAID Stop Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Activity in Tajikistan helps to prevent GBV and discrimination against women and girls. This five-year activity is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the Committee on Women and Family Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, and civil society.

In Tajikistan, GBV is widespread yet underreported with high tolerance for violence against women and girls. This activity will enhance the capacity of duty bearers and stakeholders to prevent GBV and protect the human rights of GBV survivors. UNDP will draw on its 30 years of development work in Tajikistan, and its global experience enhancing national capacity to provide survivor-centered protection services and amplify community engagement to prevent GBV.


I: Enhance policy and legal to prevent GBV and protect GBV victims and survivors.

II: Improve quality of services for the GBV victims and survivors

III: Enhance the capacity of civil society to advocate rights of GBV victims and survivors.


Outcome 1: Policy environment and institutional coordination improved for preventing and protecting women and girls from GBV.

The activity will enhance national laws to align with international best practices, thereby bolstering the legal framework to prevent GBV in Tajikistan. For a structured approach to stop GBV, the support will be aligned with the Action Plan for the State Program on Prevention of Violence in the Family for the upcoming decade.

Outcome 2: Services for GBV victims and survivors improved through capacity development of professionals and civil servants.

The activity will strengthen the capacity of the justice sector, prosecutors, legal professionals, and service providers to ensure that their approaches are survivor-centered, inclusive, and responsive to survivors. A new code of conduct will be developed for service providers, emphasizing the importance of adopting survivor-centered, trauma-informed, gender-responsive, and disability-inclusive approaches in their work.

Outcome 3: Capacity of Civil Society enhanced to provide services for GBV victims and survivors based on international best practices.

The activity will partner with civil society to advance national legislation with the promise of a more equitable society. This will include supporting civil society advocacy efforts and increase their crucial role in developing strategic national documents and monitoring compliance. Assistance will be mobilized to ensure individuals receive the care and services they so urgently need.




OCTOBER 1, 2023-SEPTEMBER 30, 2028

Photo: UNDP Tajikistan
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