Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Under the aegis of Mrs. Sihem Ayadi, Acting Minister of Youth and Sport, and Mr. Donald Bloom Ambassador of the United States of America, the Kram Youth Center (Tunis) was inaugurated in a ceremony held on April 5, 2021.

The Kram youth center has been completely refurbished and equipped as part of the "MA3AN" program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in partnership with the Government of Tunisia. This project has been implemented by the Family Health International (FHI360), at an estimated cost of 390,000 Tunisian Dinar. The center now provides Kram's young people with a multi-disciplinary sports field, a multipurpose auditorium, an IT lab and recording studio, as well as a civil society resource  center. These spaces will allow young people in the region to engage and integrate into civic, social and professional life and contribute positively to their communities’ development activities. They will also allow young people to practice sports and cultural activities.

In addition to the youth center, the “MA3AN” program is renovating the “Hamouda Maali” cultural center in West Kram, which will provide young people with a safe and available space to express their cultural and artistic talents.

This achievement is a continuation of several other achievements inaugurated in 2020 as part of this project, namely:

  • The renovation and equipment of 8 youth centers
  • The renovation and equipment of a cultural center
  • The renovation and equipment of three public spaces

It is important to point out that for the current year 18 projects are in the preparation phase in the different regions covered by the "MA3AN" program.

"MA3AN" is a program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and executed by the organization Family Health International (FHI360) in partnership with the Tunisian government and various civil society organizations in Tunisia with a budget of 140 Million Tunisian Dinar over 5 years. This program consists of building the capacities of governmental and non-governmental actors as well as young people to prevent and counter violent extremism.

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