
Friday, June 18, 2021

Despite the passage of a disabilities law in 2010 mandating accommodation and access for persons with disabilities to public buildings, locations, and services, many facilities have still not been structurally modified. This lack of access prevents full social participation of persons with disabilities.  To strengthen  implementation of the law and ensure persons with disabilities have access to public buildings, USAID’s Raising Voices, Creating Opportunities project collaborated with the Organization of Persons with Disabilities and others in Quang Tri province to carry out an assessment survey on building accessibility.

The findings were submitted to the Quang Tri Provincial People’s Committee which led to direct support from the provincial government through a directive issued to builders, designers, and investors in the province to comply with the disabilities law and ensure access to public buildings. As a result, a number of buildings in the province have been renovated with funding mobilized by the Organization of Persons with Disabilities and other stakeholders, including accessible ramps in Dong Ha City at the Department of Finance’s office, Le Duan Park, and Vietcombank Branch; wheelchair accessible facilities at the new People’s Committee Headquarter in Ward 2; ramps and handrails at the People's Committee and the Police station of Cam Thuy Commune; and three cultural houses in Cam Thuy, Trieu Ai and Trieu Tai Communes.  USAID also conducted a series of trainings on technical building regulations for investors and representatives from the construction sector, provincial and local government, and the Organization of Persons with Disabilities, to develop the accessibility assessment report and support efforts on compliance.

Through USAID’s support, persons with disabilities in Quang Tri province now have access to nine additional facilities and their related services, and advocacy efforts for more accessible buildings will be continued; Local policy implementers and stakeholders have improved knowledge and skills regarding physical access for persons with disabilities; And the role and the voice of the Organization of Persons with Disabilities has been enhanced to more effectively implement monitoring plans in coordination with local authorities and mobilize resources to support and promote accessibility and full social participation for persons with disabilities.

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