
Saturday, May 29, 2021

Despite increasing acceptability of the LGBTQI+ community in Vietnam, many members of this community continue to face discrimination, harassment, and stigma. To commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, USAID/PATH’s Healthy Markets activity collaborated with key population (KP) communities to develop a series of virtual activities demonstrating support for this important community. Through Facebook and cross-shared by KP influencers and key KP clinics, USAID promoted support and acceptance through posting quotes from KP influencers and engaging in constructive discussion with the community. These online posts reached 6,292 people, generating 460 interactions and positive reactions. 

Leveraging online platforms to spread positive messages is an important and effective way to promote support for the LGBTQI+ community in Vietnam. This work is crucial as USAID continues to advocate for health education, outreach, and safe spaces in order to promote improved health outcomes, access and equity for this community as equal members of society.   

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