Friday, June 28, 2024

As Vietnam transitions its national HIV/AIDS response from donor-funded to domestically financed, increased engagement from the private sector is critical to sustainability of both the commodities market and service provision. On June 13, the Dong Thap DOH approved and enacted the plan on “Enhancing private sector engagement in the investment and provision of HIV goods and services in Dong Thap province, for the period of 2024-2026,” marking a significant milestone in the collective efforts to strengthen HIV/AIDS service delivery and promote sustainable health outcomes in Dong Thap Province. The USAID-supported plan has two primary objectives: to increase the engagement of private sector partners including social enterprises, private clinics, pharmaceutical companies and other private sector partners in providing HIV goods and services; and to establish a PSE information exchange and monitoring and evaluation system in Dong Thap province. 

Through extensive consultations with stakeholders, including public health officials and community leaders, the plan ensures comprehensive coverage of health care needs in the province. The official enactment of Dong Thap’s PSE plan also emphasizes the province’s commitment to an increased role for the private sector in Dong Thap’s overall HIV response. [ Support for Technical Excellence and Private Sector Sustainability in Vietnam]

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