Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Meet Amer*, an 11-year-old boy from Yemen, whose life took an unexpected turn when he lost one of his legs due to a tragic accident. One day, while accompanying his aunt to buy groceries, an accidental discharge of a firearm left Amer with a severely injured leg. Despite medical efforts, it was eventually decided that amputation was the only way forward. The news was heart-wrenching for Amer and his family.

Amer felt isolated and unable to participate in normal activities, including attending school, due to his struggles with mobility. The initial use of crutches was difficult and uncomfortable for him, and a prosthetic limb provided by a local charity, despite being well-intentioned, failed to alleviate these problems due to its weight and appearance.

The USAID Gateway to Education Activity, implemented by Save the Children in partnership with Creative Associates, stepped in to help Amer. The project offers remedial education to children in need of additional support, and they provided Amer with educational and psychosocial support. Additionally, the project reached out to their local partner, The Yemen Mobility Foundation, to provide Amer with a new prosthetic limb.

The Yemen Mobility Foundation's prosthetics technician, Aws*, worked to create a lightweight and durable prosthetic limb for Amer. After a few adjustments, Amer’s prosthetic finally allowed him to walk comfortably and confidently. Now, he can play soccer, run errands, and reclaim the joy of everyday activities. Amer also found inspiration in his first-grade teacher, who instilled in him a love for reading and Arabic language. Amer is now determined to pursue a career as a surgeon, driven by the desire to help children like him.

The USAID Gateway to Education Activity project played a vital role in Amer's journey towards recovery. Having access to remedial education and a more functional prosthetic has helped Amer transform into a stronger, more independent individual.

USAID provides inclusive services to children with disabilities, ensuring they can access education so they are empowered to reach their full potential.

*Names have been changed to protect identities. 


Amer trying his new prosthetic limb.
Amer trying his new prosthetic limb.
Photo credit: Saeed Saeed, Save the Children.
Amer trying on his new prosthetic limb.
Amer trying on his new prosthetic limb.
Photo credit: Saeed Saeed, Save the Children.
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