
For Immediate Release

Press Release

YEMEN—Today, the United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), announced a five-year program to strengthen the resilience of communities in southern Yemen to the negative impacts of ongoing conflict.

The $14 million USAID Yemen Community Resilience program, implemented by ARK Group, will partner with local civil society and community-based organizations, especially those led by women. The program will strengthen community cohesion and child protection through direct support and health and social service referrals.

"This new program is in line with the U.S. government commitment to promote responsive governance, community-led peace and reconciliation processes, and the protection of human rights," said U.S. Ambassador Steven Fagin. "This U.S. partnership with Yemeni communities will help the country build a foundation for peace and stability."

Yemen is enduring one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world. Armed conflict, poor governance, political turmoil, and economic instability have pushed communities to the limits of their resilience. With fewer available jobs and economic pressures, many Yemeni families are facing severe poverty.

“War too often affects children and youth disproportionately,” said USAID Yemen Country Director Kimberlee Bell. “Children are growing up in the midst of conflict to face limited opportunities and unresolved trauma. Through this new USAID program, we want to change that, in part by bringing mental health services and psychosocial support to children and families affected by eight years of war.”

Children in particular are exposed to high levels of insecurity and poverty. As the war grinds on, more children are forced to drop out of school to work odd jobs or associate with one of Yemen’s many armed groups to help support their families. In consultation with local leaders, the USAID Yemen Community Resilience program will work to improve child protection through parental support, community planning, and designated safe spaces for children, foster community-led reconciliation processes that build social cohesion, and provide additional support for children and youth in education and vocational training to help them find work and contribute to Yemen’s economy.

USAID has provided more than $5.6 billion in humanitarian and development assistance to Yemen since 2015. For more information, visit:

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USAID and ARK Group representatives join in co-creation exercises for the new USAID Yemen Community Resilience program.
ARK Group
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