For Immediate Release

Press Release

Vientiane Capital, August 14, 2024 – The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Australia and UNICEF recently contributed equipment and materials to the Lao Women’s Union to support the expansion of its 'Love and Care for Every Child' initiative, a program aimed at promoting positive parenting practices among families in Lao PDR.  

This recent contribution includes essential ICT equipment such as projectors and speakers, in addition to communication materials, including posters, flipcharts and guidebooks.  The items will aid social workers to effectively communicate parenting information to both parents and caregivers within local communities, empowering them with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide nurturing care for their children.

“USAID is committed to providing children with a strong beginning.  We are proud of our partnership with the Lao Government and international partners to ensure children receive the necessary inclusive services for their long-term development,” said Mr.  Michael McCord, USAID Country Representative to Laos.  “These partnerships are essential for creating sustainable and tangible changes that benefit children, families, and communities across Lao PDR,” he added.

Since its inception, the 'Love and Care for Every Child' initiative has positively impacted over 40,000 families during its pilot phase.  The program is planned for expansion to an additional 518 villages across six provinces by 2025.   

In addition to enhancing positive interactions between parents and children, and encouraging early learning activities to stimulate children’s cognitive development, the parenting program also provides guidance on health, nutrition, and responsive caregiving for parents.

“The parenting program underscores the vital role of both mothers and fathers in providing supportive care for children, ensuring that they can have the best start to life,” remarked Ms. Megan Jones, the Australian Ambassador to Lao PDR. “Australia, alongside our partners, is proud to support initiatives led by the Lao Women’s Union that not only foster a nurturing environment for every child but also promote gender equality,” added the Australian Ambassador.  

“Early childhood is a critical period that sets the stage for lifelong development.  By investing in children's early years, we are investing in the future of the nation,” said Mr.  Bilal Aurang Zeb Durrani, UNICEF Representative to Lao PDR.  “I commend the Lao Women's Union on their leadership in this program and would like to thank Australia and USAID for their support in this important initiative.”

The ‘Love and Care for Every Child’ initiative is led by the Lao Women's Union with technical support from UNICEF and various ministries.   The initiative is funded by UNICEF Australia through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) and USAID.  

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Ms. Thathsaphone Keomoungkhoun
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