For Immediate Release

Press Release

Vientiane Capital, August 5, 2024 — In a significant move toward enhancing inclusive education in Laos, the Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES), with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the European Union, has officially launched the Inclusive Education Strategy and Action Plan 2030, which was updated from the previous Inclusive Education Strategy and Action Plan for the period 2016-2020.  

The launch event, held in Vientiane Capital, was attended by Vice Minister of Education and Sports Dr. Sourioudong Sundara, European Union First Counsellor (Political) Mr. Niall Leonard, and USAID Laos Acting Country Representative Ms. Elizabeth Chambers.  The event gathered over 70 representatives from various government ministries and development partners, participating both in person and online.

The Inclusive Education Strategy and Action Plan 2030 aligns with several important national and international frameworks, including the Lao Law on Education, the Lao Disabilities Law, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the UN Convention on the Rights of Children, and the Sustainable Development Goals.  This Strategy will serve as a legal foundation for promoting inclusive education and addressing the educational needs of people with disabilities in Laos.

The Inclusive Education Promotion Center will take the lead in collaborating with relevant technical departments and stakeholders to effectively disseminate and implement the Strategy.  Engaging with a broad range of partners—including international non-governmental organizations, civil society groups, business entities, and community members—is crucial for fostering a supportive environment for inclusive education.

Vice Minister Dr. Sundara, praised the invaluable support of USAID and the EU in advancing educational equality and equity. "The launch of the Inclusive Education Strategy and Action Plan-2030 marks a pivotal advancement in ensuring equal access to education for all," said the Vice Minister.

First Counsellor Mr. Leonard said, “EU’s focus on all their international partnerships is to invest in education to change the world and a basic tenet for this investment is to ensure that the key principles of equity and inclusion are followed.”

Acting Country Representative Ms. Chambers extended her congratulations to the Government of Lao PDR and MOES for their leadership in this critical initiative.  "Today's event marks a significant milestone not only in celebrating our collective achievements but also in issuing a call to action for all stakeholders.  We invite everyone to actively engage in advocating for and implementing the Inclusive Education Strategy and Action Plan 2030," Ms. Chambers stated.

The Ministry calls upon all relevant departments, provincial educational services, and educational institutions to recognize the importance of this Strategy and collaborate effectively to ensure its successful implementation.

By embracing the principles of inclusion and supporting education for people with disabilities, Laos can build a more equitable educational landscape for all its citizens.

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Launching the Inclusive Education Strategy 2030
Thathsaphone Keomoungkhoun/USAID
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