For Immediate Release

Office of Press Relations


The below is attributable to Acting Spokesperson Shejal Pulivarti:‎

Today, Administrator Samantha Power spoke with World Food Program (WFP) Executive Director Cindy McCain. The Administrator and Executive Director McCain discussed ongoing humanitarian response efforts, including in Gaza, Sudan, and Yemen. 

On Gaza, they discussed yesterday's IDF attack on a clearly marked WFP vehicle that was fired upon while delivering humanitarian aid on a pre-approved route, an incident that underscores the increasing attacks and deteriorating operating conditions humanitarian organizations continue to face. The Administrator committed to raising the issue with the Government of Israel at the highest levels, and reiterated the urgent necessity of strengthening the mechanisms to prevent attacks on humanitarian workers in Gaza.  

On Sudan, Administrator Power and Executive Director McCain discussed WFP’s readiness and efforts to scale up cross-border and cross-line assistance, following the guarantees from the warring parties for safe, unhindered access through the Adre crossing and along the Dabbah Road, and discussed ongoing efforts to further expand humanitarian access. They also discussed the importance of a transparent and robust response by WFP to allegations of wrongdoing by its staff in Sudan. 

Administrator Power and Executive Director McCain also spoke about Houthi detentions of a WFP staff member, other UN and NGO workers, and diplomatic staff, including U.S. government employees, and restrictions on the humanitarian operating environment in northern Yemen. Administrator Power emphasized the U.S. commitment to the people of Yemen facing humanitarian need and the importance of the UN’s strong condemnation of detentions and other operational constraints. 

USAID Response in Israel and Gaza - October 2023 USAID Sudan Response
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USAID Response in Israel and Gaza - October 2023 USAID Sudan Response